
Reduce the Load on the Immune System

Our Immune systems are complex and have the ability to heal us from almost anything given it has the right resources. The less our immune systems have to deal with today the more resources it has to clean up the toxins that our bodies have stored for years and that made us sick in the first place. This is a lot of information. When I first started learning about all the chemicals in our environment, I went crazy and threw out everything. This maneuver will most definitely cause your spouse to want to divorce you (just ask my husband) and it would be better to keep your sanity and make changes in a reasonable amount of time. When I first started learning about the chemicals in our environment I was so sick all the time that I had never realized my symptoms were directly linked to my environment. Now that I am almost completely well- I feel the impact immediately.

o   Household Water
o   Well Water: TEST YOUR WATER! Order a good test from a laboratory like www.ewatertest.com Don’t think that just because it came from the ground it is clean. Our water had 100x the sodium and some Styrene in it. If you use a chlorinator to clean your water you still need to run it through a carbon filter to get out the chlorine and chemicals. Water softeners are not the best choice of filters since they add too much salt to the water causing high blood pressure and other illnesses and the ceramic beads inside release carcinogens as they break down over time. They also do not take out chemicals. Plain carbon filters can be purchased from your local water filtration store or online. Unfortunately, many water companies only know how to sell water softeners. Don’t let them talk you into a softener unless you have done your research and there is no other option.

o   City Water: Don’t rely on your city to purify your water. In fact, city water should not be consumed and should be filtered before bathing in it. Blood pressure medicine and birth control is common in city water. The government has had to raise their standards on acceptable water for cities because the cities cannot get out all the junk in the water. They add chlorine or chloramines to kill bacteria in the water. Plain carbon filters can take out the chemicals. Here is an article on how unsafe city water is. Even if your water is from one of their safest cities, it should still be filtered.

o   Drinking Water: Google “leaching plastic in water bottles  and the results are startling. BPA, Phalates and worse, where the water actually comes from-even some bottled “spring” water has been proven to be glorified city water (we have already discussed that issue). With 1 in 6 Americans unable to conceive, endocrine disrupting chemicals play no part in our food and water. The book Our Stolen Future discusses the detrimental effects of the chemicals on our reproduction and the book’s website has the gist of the information.   We use Kleen Canteens. Be careful of stainless containers because some have a BPA liner in them. Look for ones that are BPA free. Glass is always chemical free and there are some new companies making interesting glass water bottles. We also have spring water delivered that is in 2.5 gallon glass jugs the initial deposit on the bottle is more expensive than plastic jugs because it is glass, but the water is almost the same price as other water delivery companies.

o   Indoor Air Quality Household indoor air quality is usually many times worse that the air outside even in the smoggiest cities.
o   Plants: Indoor plants not only produce oxygen from Carbon Dioxide, they filter out chemicals as well. This list of plants in a study from NASA, were the plants that filtered the most formaldehyde and benzene. Think of plants as a dirt cheap air purifier. Air out your house as much a possible. Just like you can smell that food you fried in your house over a week ago, chemicals hang around until you do something about them. Open up your house at the coolest part of the day during summer and the warmest part during winter for at least an hour. Turn on any ceiling fans and shoot for once a week.

o   Paint: Off gases for many years. I had high levels of Hexane in my blood and I had not painted a room in my house in 2 years. The good news is that there are many companies now offering no voc paint. Don’t settle for low VOC the $5 per gallon you will save will cost you a lot more in health bills down the line.

o   Candles & “Air Fresheners” are poisoning our bodies. They are being blamed for asthma and other breathing problems. They are just one more chemical that you are subjecting your body to every day. Here is an article on the subject.

o   Carpet is the devil. It is a toxic waste dump inside your home. Even freshly installed it off gasses poisonous chemical fumes and it never stops.  It gives a whole new meaning to that “new carpet smell”. Pesticides are tracked in on shoes and trapped by carpet. Animal waste is also another common carpet ingredient- even for people who don’t have animals in the house. Worse, we clean them with heavy duty chemicals and dust them with carpet freshener (also the devil) to try to make them smell better. Why is it that the stains keep coming back up through the carpet? What else is trapped there for infinity? Tile or non VOC Bamboo flooring is a better option. We ripped out the carpet and walked on concrete for a while before we could replace our floor.

o   Car Indoor Air Quality The air you breathe in your car doesn’t even meet our lax government’s standards. Here Is a report on indoor air quality in cars. Basically, there are only a few brands that don’t have high levels of VOCs and Formaldehyde. Fortunately, more auto makers are changing their ways. Ford recently announced that they were going to improve the air quality of their cars. Have you ever wondered why we can get in a sauna at 140°for hours but can’t sit in a hot car without the a/c running for more than a few minutes? The difference is the chemicals you are breathing. At my worst I couldn’t even drive my car without getting a rapid heartbeat and feeling faint. If you can’t replace your car I found that keeping the car wiped down on the inside with water once a week as well as keeping it well vacuumed, and rolling down the windows before driving on a hot day greatly reduced my symptoms in the car.

o   Cleaning Products This Is a great article on hazardous cleaning products. There are tons of websites devoted to natural cleaning products. Google “natural household cleaning” and you will find everything you need. Vinegar and water works great on tile and not to mention it is dirt cheap! Many companies like Seventh Generation and Method make non toxic cleaners, dish soap and laundry soap. Cleaning chemicals have no place in our homes or near our bodies. While you may think laundry soap gets your clothes clean actually it covers up smells with fragrance (which is petrochemicals) and then those chemicals are next to your skin all day and night forever. Dryer sheets and fabric softeners are full of anti static chemicals. Actually, fragrance was first added to dryer sheets because the anti static chemicals stunk so bad they had to add something to cover up the smell.

o   New Furniture Off gases terrible chemicals for many years. The best option for furniture is real wood, no pressboard, and to leave it in the garage for a month or so to off gas there.

o   Mattresses & Memory Foam Many people have gotten lymphoma shortly after buying a memory foam mattress. They don’t smell terrible when they are new for no reason.  Looking back, when we started using a memory foam topper I started having those panicky heart racing attacks in the middle of the night. They completely stopped when we got an organic mattress and cotton sheets.

o   Nutrition: Americans drive expensive cars, live in big houses, spend the highest percentage of our GDP on health care than any other nation, and we are the sickest nation in the world. Why? We buy the cheapest food made from disgusting ingredients. If you buy a brand new sports car, you wouldn’t put water in the gas tank, you would fill it up with the manufacturer’s suggested fuel right? So why would we treat our cars better than our own bodies?

o   Immune System Suppressors: Avoid the following foods as they suppress our immune systems which in turn cause our bodies to store more toxins that affect our nervous systems.
·         Sugar (insulin spikes cause adrenals to release cortisol which suppresses immune response)
·         Coffee/Caffeine
·         Animal Fats (Bad Fats are toxins that our immune systems have to eliminate)
·         Fried Anything (Bad Fat)
·         Margarine (Bad Fat, Molecular close to plastic)
·         Any Cooking oil (Bad Fat) Other than Coconut Oil
·         Corn (insulin spikes + little nutritional value)
·         White Rice (insulin spikes + little nutritional value)
·         White Potatoes (insulin spikes + little nutritional value)
·         Any meal in the grocery store in a package or box (it would be easier on your immune system if you ate the box instead)

o   Organic Foods: I remember the article I read that said that if you don’t eat organic foods you eat 4 to 6 pounds of pesticides a year. Wow, do you think that is good for our immune or nervous systems? Not to mention that conventional produce is proven to have fewer nutrients in it than organic produce. Here Is a shopper’s guide for produce and a video that is really interesting. www.healthychildhealthyworld.org was formed by two parents whose young daughter died of cancer from the mom’s exposure to pesticides while she was still unborn. FYI: the American Cancer Society estimates that 75% of cancer is environmentally caused.

o   Natural Meats: Cows were not meant to eat corn! The corn causes their meat to acidic and causes an inflammatory response in our bodies when we eat it. We reduced our serving size of meat to 3.5 oz which allowed us to not only have a healthy meat portion size but to afford grass fed beef. Grass fed beef is many times better for you than corn fed beef. Grass fed beef also tastes so much better than corn fed and you will sleep easier knowing that you are not supporting the concentration camps where the cows are raised standing up to their chests in feces. That is if you even want to eat meat after you watch Food Inc. Commercial chicken has arsenic in it. Here is an article on that subject. Here is another video on chicken and how chicken farmers won't eat their own farm animals.

o   Preservatives, Artificial Flavors and Colorings, Food Additives are fake and cause a multitude of health problems. Europe has already banned food dyes and kraft(not that I think you should eat anything kraft makes) has modified their products sold in Europe to not have artificial dyes, while our government is just now reviewing the scientific studies. Start reading labels-if you don’t know what the ingredient is or you can’t pronounce it…don’t buy it. Whole Foods has a commitment to reading labels for you so when you shop at their stores you can feel safe that there are no artificial anything in what you buy.

o   Personal Care Products I have to calm myself down from an angry activist state when I think about personal care products. Go to the Environmental Working Group’s website Skin Deep Look up your shampoo etc. and see what the chemicals are doing to you. The good news is that stores like whole foods as well as grocery stores with natural sections have a wide variety of natural products that won’t cause nervous system dysfunction and cancer in lab rats or people!

o   Clothing Clothing you ask? Polyester forms formaldehyde as it breaks down. If I wear polyester now it makes my heart rate high after just a few minutes. Cotton, Linen, and natural silk are the best options. Cotton is a highly pesticided crop but it is hard to find organic cotton clothing.

o   Heavy Metal (elements) Exposure Metals that our immune system can’t eliminate are stored in the body and are toxic to the nervous system, liver, cognitive function, and virtually all the processes of the body. Kids with Autism almost always have high heavy metals in their body. Mercury from contaminated fish, you can find a list of the safest fish here. I had high levels of bismuth in my hair. Guess what the number one ingredient in my powder base makeup was?? BISMUTH. Here is a list of sources of heavy metal. Here is  a more comprehensive (and harder to understand) article on sources and treatments of heavy metals. Here is a list of labs that perform heavy metal testing. My 7 year old with nervous system problems had high mercury and antimony to which are both Central Nervous System irritants.

o   Chemicals are everywhere…I remember when my blood test came back with high levels of Hexane in it. When I looked up Hexane it was in so many different products that who knew where or how many places I got it from. One thing was for sure-it was manmade and didn’t belong in my body and I figured it was one of the reasons I was on a multitude of daily prescriptions to help me stand upright. Babies are being born with chemicals already in their bodies.Question everything you come in contact with.

  •  Environmental Testing if you want to know what exactly is in your body that shouldn’t be and you have the funds, the Environmental Health Center   in Dallas knows exactly what tests to test you for. Biotek  also does environmental testing as well as Metametrix.   
  • Non Stick Cookware Here is an article about how nasty chemicals from nonstick cookware are ending up in our bodies. We have one Scanpan that is not suppose to emit those bad chemicals into the food and it works great! My husband likes it better than nonstick for making omlettes.

o   Pesticides Surely after reading how to reduce the everyday load on your immune system you would already know what I am about to say about pesticides….they are the devil! They don’t belong in our homes or in our yards where we walk and track them into the house, where our kids play and for sure not in our or our future generation’s water supply. Use a flyswatter for peats sake. Google “natural pest control” and you will find entire websites devoted to helping people deal with bugs, critters, and varmints. My personal favorite solution for an ant bed is to shovel off the top and then slowly pour a pot of boiling water on it.

o   Yeast Overgrowth Here is a great article on yeast overgrowth. If you ever crave sugar-you definitely have a yeast problem. If you have taken an antibiotic (they kill good bacteria and allow yeast to grow rampant) in the last year- you most likely have a yeast problem. Yeast produces over 75 neurotoxins (toxins that interfere with the neurotransmitters in the brain and that our immune systems have to defeat).The number one system of yeast overgrowth is BRAIN FOG.  The article talks about how yeast causes nervous system dysfunction. Whether or not you think you have a problem with yeast (I didn’t think I did) it is worth doing a yeast cleanse.  Not to mention that a yeast cleanse is dirt cheap and only takes some will power.  There are many supplements on the market to help with a yeast cleanse, you can search Yeast Cleanse at VitaCost and find one with garlic. After the yeast cleanse, my brain is so sharp that I am looking for other ways to keep it busy since I finally obtained my bachelors degree.

o   Allergies Most people would never think that allergies would affect their nervous system. I for sure didn’t. I thought red itchy eyes, runny noses, rashes, and stomach aches were the only symptoms of allergies. It turns out that almost any symptom can be an allergic reaction. Allergies are not normal. People didn’t have allergies in the early nineteen hundreds and they were out in the sticks more that we are today. So why have allergies increased at astronomical rates? Many theories are circulating like our immune systems are so over loaded with all the manmade chemicals in our environment that they get confused and think things that are harmless are actually invaders, or that our overuse of antibacterial everything and antibiotics have eliminated our immune system’s ability to fight real offenders, or that our food is looking less and less like food since it is GMO chemically fertilized, processed, enriched (not a good thing), and highly pesticided. Whatever the cause may be, allergies can be the source of any symptom.

             ·       Allergy Testing & Treatment Skin testing by an allergist is the only way to test for airborne allergens. And the good news is that most people have success when treated with allergy shots. Food allergies are a whole different animal. Skin testing can be performed for food allergies but, the shots only work on 10-20% of the participants so another alternative is a blood test and then avoidance of the offending food. I went through 6 months of daily allergy shots for 20 foods and wasn’t able to eat even 1 at the end of the treatment. Blood tests or finger prick tests are usually done by alternative or wellness doctors. ALLCAT and Biotek are two good companies I have experience with. Here is an article on testing yourself for allergies using your heart beat. Intrestingly, POTS patients often have a rapid heartbeat especially after eating. Allergies cause you heart rate to increase. I am currently undergoing treatment for allergies using a cold laser machine called the BAX 3000    it sounds stupid, I know, but I have only done a few treatments and already I am less reactive and have added a few foods back into my diet. It operates on the notion that every substance has energy. If you look at peas under the highest magnification peas have a frequency that they vibrate. The BAX machine stores the frequency for hundreds of thousands of substances and can emit the frequency while a cold laser on your body’s meridian points (acupuncture). The result is the BAX tells you body peas, while the cold laser tells your body to be calm and relax. Many people have had success with this technique. I will let you know my results when I am finished. The BAX will not rewrite your DNA, so if you are genetically gluten sensitive it will not change that (thank God).

     ·        Gluten is the devil for most people. Enterolab estimates that 60% of the American population is gluten intolerant. The most common type of gluten sensitivity is genetic. Meaning that our ancestors’ bodies battled gluten so severely that it changed their DNA! Do you want to eat something that your body sees as such a threat? Google gluten sensitivity and fainting and you will be shocked at how many people have nervous system problems from eating gluten. In fact, I will venture to say that if you have nervous system or autoimmune problems you should not eat gluten…EVER. If you can afford it, (about $400) Enterolab is a “do it yourself” lab for all three forms of gluten sensitivity plus they throw in a free dairy test and tell you how severely your intestines are damaged (important to know). If you can’t afford it, write down all your symptoms for the past week and there severity (1-10) then don’t eat gluten for a month (not even soy sauce, or imitation seafood, don’t cheat) and then write down your symptoms again and compare it to when you started. Gluten was the major source of POTS symptoms for me, my daughter, and another child that we know. I have several blogs on my resources page for Gluten Free recipes and many stores (even Wal-mart) now are carrying GF items.

     ·        Dairy is the next most likely culprit of food allergies. Google “Go Dairy Free” and you will find all the information you need on why milk is usually a main allergy for people. There are also some nutritionist think that dairy should not be consumed by humans. Websites like www.notmilk.com explain that the nutritional properties of milk are destroyed by pasteurization and that the FDA allows a “puss factor” which is the amount of infection (from the cows producing abnormally large  amounts of milk for humans rather than just for their calves) that is allowed in each gallon of milk…disgusting.


    When our bodies run out of resources to eliminate toxins it starts to store them in our body. Fat cells are a common place our bodies stock pile stuff it can’t get rid of. The brain is almost all fat so guess where junk accumulates, and we wonder why we can’t remember what we did yesterday. The liver also stores toxins when it gets tired of dealing with them.
Toxins are detrimental to the Nervous System.

o   Detoxify the Body

o   Far Infrared Sauna is the best way to get anything that the immune system can’t process and everything that has been stored for years out. Chemicals, Metals, Bad Fats, even food allergies, the sauna can eliminate years of toxic build up. Here is an article on what the sauna does and how to do it. Here is an article explaining the benefits of sauna therapy. There really is no cheap substitute for a far infrared sauna. The sauna at your local gym might cause you more harm than good. That I am aware of, there are only two brands of saunas are proven toxin free. Heavenly Heat and High Tech Health other saunas are made with materials that contain toxins themselves and will be released into the air when the sauna is used. If you are not able to buy a sauna, other options are pay per use at a detox center. Sauna is also proven to increase blood circulation.  After nutrition, sauna is the most important part of allowing our bodies to heal.

o   Natural Chelation is basically what minerals our bodies need to eliminate metals or toxins. This is only useful if you know (through testing) what exactly you need to eliminate from your body. Selenium is what your body uses to eliminate mercury. Here is a list of natural chelators and where to get them.With selenium and sauna, we were able to return our 8 year olds mercury levels to normal. Cilantro, the herb, draws mercury out of tissues like the brain, liver, etc. Vitamin C is perhaps the best chelator. Here is an article on using Vitamin C as a chelator. The great thing about Vitamin C is it chelates anything the body wants to get rid of. Here is a helpful list of chelators.

o   Colonics are scary, I know. And, I have to admit that I have not ventured there. But coffee enemas are supposed to be one of the best ways to detoxify your liver (which performs hundreds of functions on a daily basis). Here  is an article all about the benefits and how to do them. Again, this is a cheap “do it yourself” fix. I didn’t learn about them until I had been through the sauna for a year, had I learned about it when I was really sick- I wouldn’t have hesitated. Here is another article on the subject as well as a great informational website.

o   Nutrition

·         Supplements There are many detox aids on the market as well as the following supplements.
·         Niacin before sauna-Opens blood vessels to allow toxins to be released during sauna
·         Vitamin C- Natural Chelator
·         Multi Minerals- Replaces minerals lost during detox
·         Butyric Acid from Body Bio- Powerful detoxifier from neurotoxins
·         Vitamin E
·         Olive Leaf Extract
·         Milk Thistle

·         Support your Methylation Cycle The Methylation Cycle  is the pathways through nutrients that our bodies use to detoxify. When our body runs out of one nutrient it can no longer use that pathway and has to rely more heavily on another one. Symptoms come when our pathways are not working properly. SAMe is a band aid fix. Our bodies usually make SAMe but when our methylation cycle is not working properly it cannot. SAMe  is available by mouth until the body can benefit from the following nutrients taken in therapeutic doses over a few months. All of these can be purchased through www.vitacost.com
·         DMG
·         Folate (Folic Acid)
·          B12
·         Choline
·         B6
·         Magnesium
·         Molybdenum

o   Lymphatic Massage-Increases Lymph Node function by 110% but it is costly, not covered by insurance and people that are certified are hard to locate. I was fortunate to have a friend who was certified. Here are some videos that show how to do lymphatic massage yourself, or better yet, let your spouse learn how…

o   Rebounding is basically a mini trampoline. Here  is an article on rebounding. I could not bounce even once without my nervous system crashing at first, but after I had gotten in the sauna a few times and eliminated some allergies, my nervous system was strong enough to start lightly bouncing. Rebounding manually opens the one way valves in the lymphatic system. Here  is a link with more detail on rebounding and how it works. Rebounders are $20 bucks at Academy. I try to bounce twice a day for just a few minutes.

o   Dry Skin Brushing increases lymphatic drainage and many, many more benefits like reducing cellulite! Here is an article on how to do it.

o   Detoxify the Mind: You may think that this sounds crazy, but the reality is that our outlook for getting well, state of mind, and general attitude about life affect our intricate endocrine system and chemical makeup of our bodies. This is the reason why when we are stressed we are more likely to catch a cold or virus.
                o   Relax  Take time in your busy schedule to relax. I’m not talking about relaxing in front of the TV. I mean finding a quiet spot, laying down comfortably, concentrating on relaxing each muscle in your body, deep slow breathing using your abdominal muscles, think healing thoughts, tell yourself that you are going to get well, imagine yourself well. Do this for 30 minutes a few times a week.

Sleep helps our bodies repair themselves. Get at least 8 hours. If you need more, do it. During my healing time I slept 10 hours everynight. I still sleep 9 now.

o   Pray & Meditate If you have read any other part of this blog you already know that I believe strongly in our Lord Jesus Christ. But, if you need some proof -praying earnestly with all your heart, soul, mind and body is scientifically proven to release endorphins and spiritual people are less likely to get major illnesses. What can I say besides God Heals and he gives us the tools to heal ourselves.

o   Laugh & Be Happy The benefits of laughing are enormous. Watch some America’s Funniest Home Videos, or find a comedian that gets your giggle box going. Laugh about everything. When you lock your keys in the car…LAUGH, after all, you are ALIVE!

o   Think Positive NO PITY PARTIES OF ONE!! Everybody has some cross to bear at some point in their lives. Get over it already and focus your pity party energy into doing whatever it takes to get well. Nuff said…

o   Yoga is wonderful for the mind and body. At first, I couldn’t stand in one spot long enough for yoga but now, I don’t have a problem with it. Yoga is good for the mind and body. It increases circulation and allows the body to relax. If you can’t tolerate regular yoga, pregnancy yoga is done mostly on the floor.

Repair the Immune System & LIVE

o   Nutrition: Are you surprised that nutrition is listed under lighten your immune system load, detoxify, and now repair your immune system? Don’t be. Before there was Big Pharma, people cured themselves from the land and the suffered less degenerative diseases than we do today, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes were rare. I have several books listed under resources that are devoted to this subject. Like I said before, I believe our bodies can heal us from almost anything we were not born with the proper nutrition.

     ·         Fresh Produce: Farmer’s Markets are a wonderful place to find fresh produce. The less distance that food has to travel means the more time it was left on the vine and the more nutritious it is. We are so spoiled in America that we can’t go without the foods that are not in season, so farmers across the world pick produce long before it is ripe and then ship it to us by boat which causes the produce to have less vitamins. When I was almost healed we started an organic garden in our back yard.

     ·         Superfoods: Here is a list of superfoods. Many of these come in capsule form from www.vitacost.com or you can mix them into smoothies to make them less noticeable.
o   Raw Honey
o   Spirulina and Chorella
o   Wheat Grass (doesn’t contain Gluten)
o   Goji Berries
o   Raw Cacao (yes, chocolate…but better for you)
o   Echinacea
o   Ginseng (liquid can be mixed into smoothies)
o   Flaxseed Oil (mix into smoothies)
o   Green Tea
o   Acai Berry Juice
o   Coconut Water-Complete Electrolytes, Better than sports drinks, no artificial anything. Each brand tastes different so find one you like.

·         Everyday Superfoods
o   Hot Peppers-Anti Inflammatory
o   Raw Garlic-Anti Viral, Anti Bacterial
o   Raw Onions-Anti Viral, Anti Bacterial
o   Blueberries
o   Berries
o   Dark Green Leafy Greens: Water cress, Kale, Collards, Spinach, Swiss Chard (Salad, Slightly Cooked, or Mixed Raw into smoothie)
o   Cabbage
o   Cauliflower
o   Carrots
o   Lemon
o   Pinapple
o   Kiwi
o   Sweet Potatoes
o   Cherries
o   Seeds
o   Beans
o   Broccoli
o   Healthy Fats: Avocados, Coconut Oil, Nuts
o   Organic Yogurt-Sugar, Preservative, Dye free

o   Raw foods have phytonutrients  meaning live cells that when you eat them your body absorbs not only the nutrients but the energy from live cells. This is the way we were meant to eat but instead we either cook it to death or microwave our veggies. Here is an article on the benefits of a heavily Raw diet. Start slowly but strive to eat at least a 50% raw diet. There are lots of websites   dedicated to raw foods and a ton of recipe (not cook, lol) books. Eating raw doesn’t have to be just salads.

o   Green Smoothies are the easiest way to eat your raw greens, plus you can sneak in super foods. Here  is some recipes for green smoothies. Amazon sells entire books devoted to green smoothie recipes.
o   Supplements: Just because you eat whenever you want doesn’t mean you are getting enough nutrients. We already discussed the benefits of organic, local produce on increasing our nutrient intake but chances are that you have deficiencies from your entire lifetime. Here is a list of vitamin deficiencies and how often they occur. I traded a $150 per month cost of prescription copays for $150 per month cost of high quality supplements. And yes, I take about 30 supplement capsules (the ones listed on this blog) per day. I wouldn't have it any other way! I won't need all of them forever.

o   Heal Intestines from Allergies and Leaky gut
 ·         L-glutamine
·         Vitamin A and Chorella
·         Probiotics (good ones from Whole Foods or a nutrition store, NOT FROM WAL-MART)

o   Vitamins in addition to what I have already mentioned

·         Multivitamin
·         Super Vitamin B Complex
·         Vitamin D3
·         Coq10
·         Zinc
·         Selenium
·         Trace Mineral Drops (mix into smoothies)

o   Other Supplements to Consider

·         Golden Seal (works like an antibiotic
·         Astragalus (supports the immune system)
·         Resveratrol (Helps cell to regenerate)
·         Cinnamon (Controls Blood Sugar)
·         Beta Glucan (supports the immune system)
·         Ionic Silver